Welcome to Mastering Cuisine

Welcome to Mastering Cuisine's Blog. This blog is dedicated in getting you tips to mastering cuisine . From beginner to the more advanced you can find great tips for cooking as well as recipes to try. You can follow my path in Mastering Cuisine and follow along recipe by recipe. Alida Cardo

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Making Soup & Goya's Beef Bouillion

Goya's Beef Bouillion a great tool when preparing a quick  beef soup. You take this with angel hair noodles and make a quick soup. This has made my soups very good. Then you can eat with a bit of crackers on the side and make a side salad. This is a quick recipe to make and its essential in mastering cuisine in the modern world. I will attempt to make as many recipes these summer and you can follow my adventure in mastering cuisine.  

Cuban Chicken Soup by: Alida Cardo

Another family recipe I have tried to make and mastered is Cuban Chicken Soup. Uncle Oscar Rivera-Rivera has taught me over the years how to make this classic meal. My recipe has been recently featured in the Canadian Online publication Orato. I'm taking each day to try classic recipes from my family and develop my cooking skills. Today I'm concentrating on the Cuban Chicken Soup.

Cuban Chicken Soup


1) Chicken Drum sticks
2) Seasoning : Oregano,Laurel,Salt,Garlic,Onions,Cumin, Bijol
3) Colavita Angel Hair Nests
4) Crisco


Seasoning : Take Crisco Shortening and mix in Oregano, Laurel,Garlic, Cumin, with some Salt. Add Onions and stir on low to medium heat. 
Put the seasoning in a pot.

Take the drum sticks and mix Angel Hair Nest with water. Cover the Chicken and Noodles with water. Add Bijol for coloring the soup.Add potatoes and seasoning in the soup. Mix in and cook on medium heat till the chicken is cooked. Also make sure the Angel Hair nests are very soft as well.

Side Dish: Salad


Compliment the soup with a side dish of salad. To prepare the salad cut the carrots, lettuce,tomatoes, and cucumbers. Mix all this with a touch of olive oil. A bit of salt on the tomato.

This authentic Cuban soup and salad adds a bit of Zing to your daily meals. You can use fresh ingredients from a farmers market for a salad or plant your garden in order to get fresh ingredients.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cuban Style Bistec or Steak

This recipe comes from my Uncle Oscar Rivera Rivera . He has been teaching me the art of Cuban Cooking. This recipe needs some basic ingredients :

garlic, onions ,olive oil,steak

The main point is to cook this steak for about 30 minutes on Medium in a pot. Before you start cooking you need to marinade the steak with Sazon Goya and Laurel Leaves in powder. Then you make the seasoning by frying with olive oil the onions and garlic. Then placing the marinaded steaks with the olive oil , garlic and onions in a pot. Cook steak for about 30 minutes in the pot. This can be a great meal to add rice and black beans with.